
Services for Individuals

Open Doors Transition Program

BCID is a partner in the New York Association on Independent Living’s Open Doors program, formerly known as Money Follows the Person. Our goal is to help people in nursing homes and intermediate care facilities back into the community, where they can live independently. If you or someone you know is in a facility but could live independently with the right services, contact either Mehak Rizvi at mrizvi @bcid.org, Yvette Wilson at ywilson @bcid.org or both of them at 718-998-3000.

BCID also offers peer outreach, with one-on-one support from individuals who have had similar experiences. For more information, contact Gabriela Amari at 718-998-3000.

Our services are free. Call 718-998-3000 or write us at info@bcid.org to make an appointment or to find out more about our programs, including our support groups and advocacy work.